Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

Courtly Saint Slot Introdution Coming in at the 500 Slot

500.)  Sir Thomas More (Pronounced /ˈmɔr/; February 7, 1478 – July 6, 1535), also Saint Thomas More, was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman and  noted Renaissance humanist. He was an important counsellor to Henry VIII of England and for three years toward the end of his life he was Lord Chancellor. He is also recognized as a saint within the Catholic Church and in the Anglican Communion. He was an opponent of the Protestant Reformation and of  Martin Luther and William Tyndale.  More coined the word "utopia" - a name he gave to the ideal, imaginary island nation whose political system he described in Utopia, published in 1516. He opposed the King's separation from the papal church and denied that the king was the Supreme Head of the Church of England, a status the king had been given by a compliant parliament through the Act of Supremacy of 1534. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London  in 1534 for his refusal to take the oath required by the First Succession Act, because the act disparaged the power of the Pope and Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon. In 1535 he was tried and executed for treason by beheading. More was beatified by the Catholic Church in 1886 and canonised, with John Fisher, in 1935. In 1980, he was added to the Church of England's calendar of saints. Born in Milk Street, London, on the 7 February 1478, Thomas More was the eldest son of Sir John More, a successful lawyer, and his wife Agnes (née Graunger). More was educated at St Anthony's School, then considered one of the finest schools in London, and later spent the years 1490 to 1492 as a page in the household service of John Morton, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor of England.Morton was an enthusiastic supporter of the 'New Learning' of the Renaissance, and thought highly of the young More. Believing that More showed great potential, Morton  nominated him for a place at Canterbury College, Oxford, where More began his studies in 1492.More received a classical education at Oxford, and was a pupil of Thomas Linacre and William Grocyn, becoming proficient  in both Greek and Latin. He left Oxford  in 1494, after only two years at the insistence of his father, to begin his legal training in London at the New Inn, one of the Inns of Chancery. In 1496 he became a student at Lincoln’s Inn, one of the Inns of Court, where he remained until 1502, when he was called to the bar. According to Erasmus, More once seriously contemplated abandoning his legal career in order to become a monk. Between 1503 and 1504 More lived near the Carthusian monastery outside the walls of London, and joined in the monks' spiritual exercises. Although he deeply admired the piety of the monks, he ultimately decided on the life of a layman upon his marriage and election to Parliament in 1504. In spite of his choice to pursue a secular career, More continued to observe certain ascetical practices for the rest of his life, wearing a hair shirt next to his skin and occasionally engaging in flagellation. Sir Thomas More (later canonized St. Thomas More) is famous for his book Utopia (1515) and for his martyrdom. As Chancellor to Henry VIII he refused to sanction Henry's divorce of Queen Catherine. More was imprisoned, tried and executed. This drama was made into a play and an excellent (though not historically accurate) film - A Man of  for All Seasons. St. Thomas More, Martyr (Patron of Lawyers) St. Thomas More was born at London in 1478. After a thorough grounding in religion and the classics, he entered Oxford to study law. Upon leaving the university he embarked on a legal career which took him to Parliament. In 1505, he married his beloved Jane Colt who bore him four children, and when she died at a young age, he married a widow, Alice Middleton, to be a mother for his young children. A wit and a reformer, this learned man numbered Bishops and scholars among his friends, and by 1516 wrote his world-famous book "Utopia". He attracted the attention of Henry VIII who appointed him to a succession of  high posts and missions, and finally made him Lord Chancellor in 1529. However, he resigned in 1532, at the height of his career and reputation, when Henry persisted in holding his own opinions regarding marriage and the supremacy of the Pope. The rest of his life was spent in writing mostly in defense of the Church. In 1534, with his close friend, St. John Fisher, he refused to render allegiance to the King as the Head of the Church of England and was confined to the Tower. Fifteen months later, and nine days after St. John Fisher's execution, he was tried and convicted of treason. He told the court that he could not go against his conscience and wished his judges that "we may yet hereafter in heaven  merrily all meet together to everlasting salvation." And on the scaffold, he told the crowd of spectators that he was dying as "the King's good servant-but God's first." He was beheaded on July 6, 1535. His feast day is June 22nd. Saint ThomasMore, is the Patron Saint of  and or to Lawyers….Pg. 1059 Personal Quote, Pg. 1128 Personal Quote……

Page 1059 his Personal Quote is...
Peace to each manly soul that sleepeth; Rest to each faithful eye that weepeth…-St.Thomas Moore Courtly Spirit #500                                                                                                                                                                 

Page 1128 his Perosonal Quote is...
It is a wise mans part, rather to avoid sickness, than to wish for medicines.  ~#500 Thomas More, Utopia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Epigram Impetus Bible Saint Aquilina & St. Felicity short Bio and Poem I chose for her...Pg. 922P oem If Life was not Only a Journey to Clarify***

Courtly Christian Character Section Beginning of Bible Before the Body of the Bible a List....

270.) Saint Aquilina was born of Christian parents in Biblus, Phoenicia. She was arrested during Diocletian's persecution of Christian, and though only twelve, was beaten and decapitated by order of the magistrate, Volusian, when she would not renounce her Faith. Her feast day is June 13th. Aquilina was a saint born in Byblos in 281.Her father's name was Eutolmius. She received her catechism from Evthalios, Bishop of Byblos. Her heart was inflamed with the love of Christ and she spread her faith and fervor in Byblos and its surroundings. At the age of twelve, Aquilina began an endeavor to spread Christianity through her example and teachings. Due to her preaching, many of the pagans were baptized, especially young lads and maidens. She was reported to the authorities and brought before Magistrate Volusian during the reign of Emperor Diocletian, and, when questioned about her activities she replied "I am Christian". The Magistrate said,"You are leading your friends and comrades away from the religion of our gods to the belief in Christ, the Crucified. Don't you know that our kings condemn this Christ and sentence to death those who worship him? Leave this error and offer oblation to the gods and you shall live. If you refuse, you shall undergo the most atrocious sufferings."Aquilina answered" I  am  not afraid of suffering at all;  rather, I aspire to it because with it I emulate my God, Jesus Christ, and die like Him, so that I am resurrected and glorified with Him."Upon her response, Volusian ordered that she be flogged. She was then tied and flogged mercilessly. The Magistrate tried again to shake her determination, but she answered with courage:"Neither you nor Satan will be able to impose on me sufferings stronger than my strength to sustain, with the power of my God, Jesus."Volusian, the Magistrate, tried to forget the matter of this maiden, counting on time to change her position, saying to her: "You are going to change your opinion in a few days, so contemplate the matter." Aquilina answered, "I shall never change my mind. I am determined and I shall not budge. I lived a Christian since my childhood and Christian I shall die." Upon her answer, the Magistrate ordered that her body be lacerated by a sharp rake. This lasted until she fainted and fell on the floor, then her eardrums were punctured with flaming iron rods forcing the brain to discharge through her nose. Volusian  thought that she had died so he ordered that she be thrown outside the walls of the city.Later, it is said with the help of an angel, Aquilina regained consciousness and went before the Magistrate. Upon seeing her, he was astonished and thought that he was dreaming. He ordered that she be imprisoned and decapitated in the morning. The next day, AD 13 June 293, she was found dead in her cell. The Christians buried her body outside the city where her tomb became a site for pilgrimage and cures. Later her holy relics were transported to Constantinople where a great basilica was built in her honor near the Forum of Constantine in the Philoxene quarter. This basilica was later destroyed in a fire. (Aigrain 1924: 1143; Daher 1969: 240; The Lives of the Holy Women Martyrs 1991: 206-207; and Sauma 1994: 89-90) What is Saint Felicity the Patron Saint of…? She is the Patron Saint of mothering and babies :) ... Where is Saint Aquilina in the bible….? Pg. Pg. 922 Poem If Life was not Only a Journey to Clarify***

Page 922 Chapter 11 The Book of  Reflection The Virtue of Fidelity

Life is a Journey... Martina Mc Bride-Safe in the Arms of Love C Courtly #56

Stories of the soul Search your soul Life sessions Life is a journey

The Strength of our Nation

From and Comes From our Diversification If…..Life was not Only a Journey…

Past Mishaps with or in Life’s Journey Assign them to their Clarifications

The or A Classification Closure at least leads to Truth Comfort is found with Maturity

In churches, mosques, and synagogues…..If Life was not Only a Journey to Classify…

Foundations of Faiths of the Past was not only no Oxymoron out of the Light of Application to Apply Pure Enlightenment Humor Epigram Impetus Virtue Virtues Love Quality

To Pass Modern Times to Achieve Success from Ancient with and for a Life of Adventure and Journey

Learn from the past apply it to the Future as well as to the Present

From the beginning of time to the present

Life is Fleeting Everything on the Inside of me Flickers

Here one minute gone the next

Life is a Journey My Future does not always mean it is holding without a Life of Quality Improvement H20 Purification Journey Adventure

Author’s Comments

He is self-made man and worships his creator…-John Bright (1811—1889)


Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics.

-56 Martina Mc Bride Courtly Character #56---Female Country Singer Vocalist


If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.” –JP Getty.


Managers help people to see themselves as they are. Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are. —Leadership Proverb


Poetic Fairy Tale Love Truism Grand Adventure Will you Marry Me: Will you love me in December as you do in May, Will you love me in the good old fashioned way? When my hair has all turned gray, Will you kiss me then and say, That you love me in December as you do in May?--James J. Walker... In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death.--Anne Frank, writer... “Child of the pure, unclouded brow and dreaming eyes of wonder! Though time be fleet and I and thou Are half a life asunder, Thy loving smile will surely hail The love-gift of a fairy tale” Lewis Carroll quotes (English Logician, Mathematician, Photographer and Novelist, especially remembered for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.) (1832-1898)... Always borrow money from a pessimist; he doesn't expect to be paid back.


Carlos Toomer Chicken Soup for the Soul Female Devotionals History Reference Reflection on the Many Many Many Female Christians Poem Inside of a Poem: Whenever, I would have physical contact with females, I would do it with pure heart & mind love always saying to myself, "we will always be friends for life sharing ourselves in a loving clean pure way not for selfish personal gain but for warmth of learning and growth."---DNA Sweat Name #89 Pg.17: Taste Test Pure Water Tease Flirt Turn on The Playful Behavior Light the Fire Amuse The Perfect Smiles in you and your wonder wall Reactions Stock the imagination #89 Cognominal Sobriquet Signature #89 Name Pg.17 I got more than a Sign


If a female makes a physical advance on you…Guys You stop her and you say… “I Normally Charge for it”-Composure Discipline Attraction Line


Double your yum yum and pure H20 Pleasure …yum yummy yum yum in my Tummy…

Water is Water Line Even Sometimes like a Wet Water Crest a Mouille french Cresson mmm who is or was the Healthiest in the Entire Sports World…Let the Females Decide…